Webinar – Stigma: understanding the impact and a call to action

Location: Regional

Closes: 04/03/2025

Stigma: understanding the impact and a call to action

Tuesday 4th March 2025 | 10.30am – 12.30pm

The Public Health Agency would like to invite you to an upcoming webinar on Stigma: Understanding the Impact and a Call to Action, 4th March 10:30am-12.30pm.

We are particularly interested in registrations from substance use support practitioners and people with lived experience of substance use to share further information on an upcoming free training course taking place on 27th & 28th March.

Researchers from across the North East of England will share results from two studies. Dr Cassey Muir will present emerging findings from a review that was commissioned by Changing Futures Lancashire, exploring what works to reduce stigma for people who experience multiple disadvantage. Public and practice partners helped shape the key findings and recommendations from this review. Lydia Lochhead will explore the impact of stigma on the health and wellbeing of mothers with lived experience of accessing recovery services. Dr William McGovern will also share information regarding an upcoming free stigma training course open to practitioners and people with lived experience in NI. Audience members will have the opportunity to ask questions to the speakers, as well as reflect on their key learning and take-away action points to reduce stigma across their organisations and everyday encounters.

You can register to attend by clicking here

For further information please get in touch with  : Jessica.Murray@hscni.net

Click here to access the flyer for the Webinar

PPI team, Gransha Park House,
Clooney Road, Derry/Londonderry,BT47 6FN.

Email: engage@hscni.net