Current Opportunities

Would you like to get involved in helping to shape Health and Social Care Services? Perhaps you would like to join the Regional HSC PPI Forum, the Patient Client Councils Membership Scheme or just get in touch with your Trust’s PPI Team. Check out our opportunities to get involved below!

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Regional Western Health andSocial Care Trust Northern Health and Social CareTrust Southern Health and Social CareTrust South Eastern Health and Social CareTrust Belfast Health and Social CareTrust

32 opportunities available

Belfast Health and Social Care Trust

12 opportunities available

South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust

8 opportunities available

Northern Health and Social Care Trust

12 opportunities available

Southern Health and Social Care Trust

13 opportunities available

Western Health and Social Care Trust

14 opportunities available

Northern Ireland Ambulance Service Trust

11 opportunities available

Northern Ireland Blood Transfusion

8 opportunities available

Community and Voluntary Sector

11 opportunities available

PPI team, Gransha Park House,
Clooney Road, Derry/Londonderry,BT47 6FN.
