The aim of the Quality Improvement (QI) project was to improve Services Users experience when attending the Department of Radiology (DOR). The QI project was aimed at supporting patients who may have additional needs and or requirements, with a particular focus on patients living with Dementia. The objectives of the project was to ensure:
- The environment is suitable, safe and met the need of all patients, including those living with Dementia.
- All patients are treated with respect, dignity and that their security is maintained at all times.
- A wide range of communication aids and support resources are available to support patients during their imaging journey and to enable them to participate as fully as possible in the decision about their care.
In order to achieve the aim, the following tasks were identified:
- Develop a better understanding of the impact Dementia can have for patients during their imaging journey, for example the challenges and barriers they may face.
- Developing a Support Network- identifying where to go to find out more about Dementia, its impact, and seek guidance and support.
- Establish what evidence based good practice looked like and benchmark the service against this standard. Acquire a better understanding of the support and resources available to support patients during their imaging journey.
- Work in Partnership- Obtain feedback and involve Service Users living with Dementia in developing and evaluating Quality Improvements innovations.
- Develop a Quality Improvement Action Plan and build a team to lead on implementing the actions and embedding the change.
- Lobby and secure funding for resources required.
- Raise awareness- arrange staff training and embed any documents/system required to support the change.
- Share the learning- within the Service, Trust and Regionally.
The QSI Lead set up a team within Radiology to undertake the Quality Improvement (QI) work. The Trust Dementia Lead worked with this Radiology team to provide guidance and support;
- Radiology provided guidance on the imaging process; information provided to patients, imaging environment, types of examinations etc. to give a better understanding of how imaging could impact patients
- The Trust Dementia Lead provided guidance’s on Dementia; the challenges and barriers patients can face when attending imaging
- Working in partnership, Radiology and the Trust Dementia Lead established a baseline through the Kings Fund Dementia Hospital assessment tool
- The Trust Dementia Lead provided guidance and sign posted to support and resources
- Radiology developed a Quality Improvement Action Plan with a range of improvements identified such as:
Yellow & Black contrast poster displays with picture/symbol icons
Yellow & Black name badges with large fonts
Yellow & Black footsteps “please stand here” visual positioning aids for patients
Orientation boards
Visual displays e.g. Meet Our Team posters - Radiology secured funding for the resources and implemented the quality improvements.
- Radiology arranged Dementia Awareness training for staff to raise awareness of Dementia and to highlight the quality improvements action being implemented
- Radiology and the Trust Dementia Lead worked in partnership with Dementia NI Service Users through a patient journey walk-a-round to assess the impact of the quality improvements actions
- Learning from the QI was shared with staff within the service, throughout the Trust and wider through social media, published news stories and the Regional QSI group.
Changes as a result of involvement activity:
- Increased staff awareness of Dementia and its impact to patients
- Radiology posters displays have improved- plain English, large clear font, printed on large A3 canvas, use of bright colours for visual contrast and use of pictures/symbols.
- New systems/resources introduced to support patients- communication aids, orientation boards, “please stand here” visual positional aids.
- Increased focus on person centred care and the importance of communication- Visual Meet our team posters, visual contrast colours lanyards and name badges, hello my name is… etc.
Lessons Learned/ What your would do if you undertake the piece again
Consider the patient journey “outside” of the Radiology department- getting to the hospital, car parking, finding their way to & from Radiology. If I was doing the project again, I would link in with other services sooner such as Estates who could help with reviewing Trust signage and maps.