Involvement Levels

  • Inform & Educate
  • |
  • Engage & Consult
  • |
  • Co-Design
  • |
  • Co-Produce
  • |

Involvement Strategy Checklist

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What to consider when developing an Involvement Strategy

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Communication Plan*

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Designing a role description for service users and carers*

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Involvement Plan *

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Checklist for Involvement

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Microsoft Teams- Quick Guide

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NI Rural Health and Care Toolkit

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Make it Easy!

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Hybrid Meeting Guide

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How to write in Plain English Guide

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Health Literacy How to Guide

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GREAT Service User and Carer Checklist

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GREAT Leaflets Staff

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Co-Production Guide – Easy Read

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A-Z of Alternative Plain English Words

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Staff roles and responsibilities

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What to consider when getting involved

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Undertaking a Consultation

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Virtual focus groups

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Speaking the same language

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Recognising the difference

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Hard to Reach Groups

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Understanding data protection

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Different levels and areas of Involvement

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Equality Monitoring guide

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Preparing a Facilitators Brief

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Code of Conduct guide

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Terms of Reference

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Involvement Key Steps

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Testimonial guide

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Reflective Practice

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Guidance for developing questionnaires at the end of an Involvement activity

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SUC guide for sharing their experience

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What assessment methods to consider at the end of your Involvement activity

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Guidance on how to structure your Involvement Story (Anecdote)

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Reimbursement for SUC

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Online questionnaires

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Measuring PPI

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Undertaking Facilitation

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Interactive polling tools to support Involvement

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How to join your first zoom

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How to install Zoom

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What to consider when developing effective and user friendly questionnaires

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See and hear it my way

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Recruitment Guide

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Participating in a video conference using Webex

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Participating in a video conference

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Making online meetings engaging

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Good meeting etiquette

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Involvement methods for service users and carers

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How to set up a Doodle Poll for meetings

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Citizen Space Start up Guide

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Online Sign Language support

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Co-Production Guide

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PPI team, Gransha Park House,
Clooney Road, Derry/Londonderry,BT47 6FN.
