Public Health Agency Seeking to Recruit a Lived Experienced Steering Group for Drug and Alcohol Work


Closes: 06/11/2023

The Public Health Agency (PHA) is seeking to recruit four individuals with direct experience of problematic drug and or alcohol use or indirect experience through being a family member or carer to form a lived/living experienced group to steer their drug and alcohol involvement work.

‘Involvement’ or ‘Personal and Public Involvement’ is used to describe the practice of involving service users, carers and the public in Health and Social Care (HSC) planning, development and decision making. Like all HSC organisations, the PHA have a responsibility to involve and people have a right to be involved.

The steering group will consider current ideas and input new ideas into the plan of action for ensuring service users, families and carers are central to the implementation of Northern Ireland’s Substance Use Strategy. While sharing decisions with the PHA staff lead about actions, outcomes, timelines and measures.

The aim is that a living experienced steering group can help us to plan for and assure that the user, family and carer voice is fully engaged and supported in the commissioning and development of Northern Ireland Drug and Alcohol services.

Apply online; Microsoft Forms ( Applications close 6th Nov. Applicants will be notified 9th Nov.

Further information

Time Commitment;

4 hours per month for 3 months; Induction and 2 workshops in person in a central location and 2 online meetings. Each session will require 30 mins preparation/ reading at home and a 90-minute meeting or workshop.

Required Skills & Experience;

  • Direct experience of problematic drug and or alcohol use or indirect experience through being a family member or carer.
  • Has knowledge about the practice of involving people in NI Health and Social Care.
  • Ability to reflect on the impact or consequences of their experience and how it might apply to others and the task at hand.
  • Good communication skills.
  • Available on the following Tuesdays; 14th Nov, 28th Nov, 12th Dec, 9th Jan, 23rd Jan.


What Support You Can Expect;

  • Out of pocket expenses covered e.g. travel, carer and childcare costs
  • Induction
  • Can be facilitated late afternoon/early evening to meet the needs of working members
  • Support before, during and after meetings

PPI team, Gransha Park House,
Clooney Road, Derry/Londonderry,BT47 6FN.
